Saturday, April 21, 2007

♥ about me ♥

About me:
Name: Leah
Those are just a few things about me. I have had a life that at times I would be proud of & at other times I wouldn't.
On December 26, 2005, I was in a car accident & proceeded to break 20 bones. I broke my pelvis in five places on the right side of my body, 13 bones in my face, & my right leg in two places. I stayed in the hospital from the 26th of December until the 11th of January, 2006. I had to stay at home & miss half of my freshman year of high school. I missed a lot. I missed my first semi formal, a big thing for me & a lot more.
Because of events that occurred after I returned to school, I switched school after my freshman year. It was really hard to leave. There was a lot I didn't want to leave behind & sometimes it feels like I am just drifting.
I am really close to my friends, they are what makes me whole.
On March 19, 2007, I lost a very big part of me. My friend Devin was killed in a car accident after colliding with a truck. He was my favorite. He was a lot of people's favorite. He'll always be with me & I will never forget him, or that smile.
My best friend is Stephi. She is like a sister to me. When I was in the hospital, she came to see me & even though she says she didn't, she cried. I hate to see her cry. Her sister, Amanda, is the bigger sister I never had. Their family has always been close with us & I hope it'll stay that way.